Lhadi Merhari

In Gedenken an Lhadi Merhari


einen wunderbaren Menschen, der unser Leben mit seinem Charme und seiner Güte bereichert hat.

Wo Worte fehlen, das Unbeschreibliche zu beschreiben.

Wo Augen versagen, das Unabwendbare zu sehen.

Wo die Hände das Unbegreifliche nicht fassen können, bleibt einzig die Hoffnung und die Gewissheit, dass du in unseren Herzen fortlebst.


In remembrance of Lhadi Merhari -

a wonderful person who has enriched our lives with his charm and kindness.


Where words fail to describe the indescribable.

Where eyes collaps to see the inevitable.

Where the hands can ´t grasp the incomprehensible,

only remains hope and certainty that you continue living in our hearts.

Visiting Linderhof (Germany), August 2012
San Francisco (USA), one of Lhadi's favorite cities, August 2008
Taking at break at UC Berkeley (USA), August 2008
Tea time at Château d'Ayres (France) during Easter holidays, April 2012
Attending the MRS Fall meeting in Boston (USA), November 2012. This picture is the last portrait of Lhadi
Check-list before take off, Limoges airport (France), February 2008
Lhadi pilot, May 2008
Surrounded with beautiful girls, enjoying a break during a NATO Advanced Study Institute, Vichy (France), September 2007
article / Artikel "In Memoriam"

Dieser Artikel erscheit in den May-Nachrichten der "Material Research Society". Marie-Isabelle Baraton wurde gefragt, ob sie ihn schreiben könnte.

You will find this article in the May issue of the MRS Bulletin (Material Research Society), Marie-Isabelle Baraton have been asked to write.

- download the article -
Lhadi Merhari (MRS Bulletin).pdf
PDF-Dokument [344.6 KB]

Noch Bilder als Erinnerung? / Picture for this website?
Mail to: info@lhadi-merhari.com oder/ore info@priodo.de

Kommentar schreiben


  • Anke und Familie (Montag, 25. Februar 2013 22:08)

    Eine schöne Idee von euch.
    Vielen Dank dafür, einem lieben Menschen die letzte Ehre zu erweisen!
    Die Beisetzung ist am Mittwoch, 27.02.2013 um 15.00 Uhr in Limoges.
    Wir begleiten Lhadi auf seinem letzten Weg.

  • Gerda und Helmut Lenhard (Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013 19:48)

    Wir denken in Liebe und Dankbarkeit an die schönen, gemeinsamen Stunden die wir mit Lhadi verbringen durften, an die vielfältigen Reisen, die schönen Feiern und sein Lachen.
    Er war in Ampfurth bei allen sehr beliebt. Er lebt in unseren Herzen weiter.
    Helmut und Gerda

  • Marie-Isabelle (Montag, 18. März 2013 10:47)

    Tu as décollé en m'oubliant clouée au sol.
    Tu es parti en emportant ton sourire charmeur, tes yeux malicieux, tes rires, ton enthousiasme et aussi tes colères contre une société que tu jugeais trop protégée. Tu aimais le risque, l'aventure et
    tu vivais sans parachute.
    Et maintenant ? Avec qui vais-je refaire le monde, m'embarquer dans des projets fous, et faire des rêves au milieu de milliers d'étoiles ?
    Tu m'as lâché la main, poursuivre la route sera difficile, mais un jour prochain je prendrai moi aussi mon envol et je te retrouverai là-haut au dessus des nuages.

  • Jon Orloff (Donnerstag, 04. April 2013 16:49)

    I remember fondly the wonderful times Lhadi and I had when he was my post-doc at the Oregon Graduate Center some 30 years ago - we developed a novel FIB system using Kohler illumination system to
    project images onto a target with Ga ions and spent time after work considering the relative aspects of food and wine from different cultures.

    Lhadi and I had occasional get-togethers in the U.S. and France over the years and I fondly remember my last meeting with Lhadi when he visited my home on the coast of Oregon in 2011 - he had been
    flying around the U.S. We spent a few days cooking, drinking wine and endlessly discussing science and the world. He was in his usual great form and my wife thought him one of the most charming
    persons she had met.

    Lhadi is greatly missed in person, and will live always in my memory.

  • Romana, Christel und Horst (Sonntag, 07. April 2013 12:41)

    Lhadi war in Aschersleben ein gern gesehener Gast. Wir werden stets an ihn denken und Lhadi in guter Erinnerung behalten. In unseren Herzen wird er immer bei uns sein.

  • HerSong Chen and family (Montag, 08. April 2013 22:44)

    It was 25 years ago since I first met Lhadi at my 1st year in Oregon Graduate Center. He was always smiling with tons of ideas for suggestions and always dresses nicely even in the most relax
    occasion from an American standard. We have gathering 5 times during these 25 years including those days that we both traveled a lots. He came to visit us at Portland and at Seattle a few times. We
    went Mt Hood skiing, Whidbey Island fishing, and of course, with his excellent French dessert cooking skills. The kids had a lot of fun time with him during his stay. My younger boy is now taking
    French as second language by his influence and encouragement. He will be missed by all of us and always remembered in our hearts.

  • Farzin Amzajerdian (Donnerstag, 11. April 2013 04:52)

    I considered Lhadi my best friend for the past 25 years even though we lived in different continents and managed to see each other only once every other year. I first met Lhadi in 1986 when he came
    to US for his post graduate research. Having just arrived in the US and had no car, I offered to pick him up from his apartment and show him the town. He still didn’t have any furniture in his
    apartment, but he did have an ironing board, of course. When I arrived, I found him dressed formal with a tie ironing his underwear. I thought to myself “what a character”. He was indeed a character.
    Soon we became the best of friends. He would visit me in my house, call me a junky, smash my cigarettes, and drag me to play tennis with him. Lhadi was among a few who influenced my life profoundly.
    His generosity and love for life and others were truly exemplary. He will be always remembered fondly.

  • Anke Lenhard (Dienstag, 16. April 2013 21:28)

    Liebe Patritzia, lieber Jürgen, schön, dass ihr diese Seite für Lahdi erstellt habt. Die Bilder sind noch einmal eine
    schöne Erinnerung. Schön, dass schon so viele diese Seite besucht haben und auch kommentiert haben.
    Liebe Grüße aus Ampfurth
    von Anke und Ralf

  • Valja (Donnerstag, 18. April 2013 00:30)

    Lhadi has been one of my best friends in the last 9 years. We met during an experts week at the European Commission to judge research proposals, and stayed in contact frequently over all these years.
    I especially could appreciate his 'boyish', crazy and risk-taking behaviour, not taking himself always seriously (as some men seem to do when they become adults). It made us feel 'young'. He even
    learned me to discover Brussels, while it is my own capital...
    Lhadi always stimulated woman to have a carreer and become powerful and independent, and we had many conversations on this topic. It has been really his mission to encourage woman to grow... Woman in
    general have been an important part of his life, with his beloved mother in the first place.
    He passed away far too early, and as he would have said: 'Murphy always seems to find me'. Dear Lhadi, you will be missed, but will remain in my memories forever.

  • Marie-Isabelle (Sonntag, 21. April 2013 17:58)

    It has just been two months since Lhadi left us.
    I join Anke in thanking Patricia and Jürgen for having created this nice memorial page. It has not been one day without my visiting.
    The number of visits is amazing. Lhadi impacted many lives and his memory will be kept alive around the world.

  • Valja (Mittwoch, 21. August 2013 22:26)

    Now just half a year ago that you left us... quite unexpectedly for me. Although life goes on, I'm still often thinking of you, your boyish and funny way of looking at things, your words. Sometimes
    it's hard to believe that you are really gone, and will never visit me again. But some great memories stay behind. Still it has been great to know you !

  • Jürgen Utzig (Montag, 23. Dezember 2013 18:57)

    Christmas and the new year without Lhadi - sad but true. We are often member on the moments with Lhadi!
    All frieds of Lhadi and of course Marie-Isabell a good new year

  • Marie-Isabelle (Dienstag, 07. Januar 2014 10:02)

    Today is Lhadi's birthday.
    One year ago, I learned that his life expectancy was no more than 2 months at a very maximum. The diagnosis appeared to be terribly exact.
    Thinking of you each day. Missing you.

  • Patricia und Jürgen (Dienstag, 07. Januar 2014 20:19)

    Gerade heute an Deinem Geburtstag denken wir wie so oft an Dich. Du bist so oft in unseren Gesprächen und Gedanken, wir vermissen Dich! Es wäre so schön, wenn wir Dich einfach anrufen und Dir zu
    Deinem Geburtstag gratulieren könnten ...

  • Lenhard (Dienstag, 07. Januar 2014 22:10)

    Today is Lhadis birthday.
    We are often member on the beautyful moments with Lhadi. Missing you, Lhadi. In Memorian Anke, Ralf, Julia und Marc We are offen thinking of you.

  • Julia (Dienstag, 07. Januar 2014 23:17)

    Mon cher Lhadi, je te rencontre souvent dans mes rêves et ne comprend toujours pas que tu ne reviendras plus! Toute la famille pense fortement à toi et tu nous manques chaque jour! Tu es parti trop
    tôt en laissant un trou que personne ne peut remplir!

  • Marie-Isabelle Baraton (Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 09:46)

    Un an ! Une année sans toi, sans tes yeux rieux, sans ton enthousiasme contagieux, sans ton courage et ton optimisme indestructibles.
    Depuis ton étoile, veille sur tes amis à qui tu manques terriblement.

  • Vicky (Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 18:22)

    Immernoch unfassbar, dass du nicht mehr da bist... Vor einem Jahr haben wir dich verloren. Ich denke wirklich oft an dich, an die Zeit, die wir gemeinsam verbrachten und vermisse dich sehr! Du wirst
    ewig in meiner Erinnerung bleiben!

  • Lenhard (Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 19:35)

    1 Jahr ohne dich. Wir vermissen dich unendlich. Warum? Anke, Ralf, Julia, Marc

  • 3sv (Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 23:34)

    Time has passed by for a year... but you're still alive in my memories... The many questions has faded away, and the best moments have become some important milestones in my life to which I always
    can look back and say: these were great moments together which we enjoyed and 'filled our little bottle of life with happiness and energy'. Now, I fill that bottle with those great memories of a
    boyish men...

  • Patricia und Jürgen (Sonntag, 23. Februar 2014 16:08)

    Es ist sehr schön zu sehen, dass du weiterhin in den Erinnerungen vieler Menschen bleibst. Auch wir denken so oft an dich.

  • Patricia und Jürgen (Freitag, 05. Dezember 2014 19:08)

    Jetzt kommt wieder eine besinnliche Zeit, die wir leider ohne Dich verbringen müssen. Wir hätten uns sicher wieder über angenehme Unterhaltungen mit Dir gefreut!!!
    In Gedanken sind wir zusammen!

  • MI (Mittwoch, 07. Januar 2015 10:56)

    You should have been 54 today. Young forever. Forever in my memories.

  • Julia (Mittwoch, 07. Januar 2015 22:26)

    Aujourd\'hui, c\'est ton anniversaire. Toujours incroyable qu\'on ne peut plus le fêter avec toi. Toute la famille pense fortement à toi et tu nous manques énormément! J\'ai allumé une bougie pour
    toi. J\'aimerais te raconter autant de choses de ma vie - tu serais fier! Je ne t\'oublie jamais! Gros bisous de: Ralf, Anke, Marc André, Gerda, Helmut et Julia

  • 3sv (Freitag, 09. Januar 2015 07:32)

    Time goes fast and life goes on... however still thinking a lot of you. The first year that I\'m a little late to think of your birthday, but you\'re absolutely not forgotten for sure! You will
    remain forever young in our memories indeed. Miss you.

  • mi (Montag, 23. Februar 2015 11:15)

    Il y a 2 ans que tu nous a quittés doucement sans bruit pendant ton sommeil, sans même attendre un dernier lever de soleil. Ton dynamisme et ton enthousiasme continuent de me soutenir pour avancer.
    Tu manques.

  • 3sv (Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015 21:55)

    Two years ago already ... and life goes on. It\'s difficult sometimes to realize that there are still so many things I wanted to talk about, which will never be said anymore... as you\'re not with us
    anymore. Too early, too unexpectedly, too young, too harsh your life was ended... Missing you, funny boy !

  • Monica Kilday (Mittwoch, 05. August 2015 20:15)

    Carpe Diem, my friend.

    My candle burns at both ends
    It will not last the night;
    But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
    It gives a lovely light.
    Edna St. Vincent Millay, "A Few Figs from Thistles", 1920

  • Lenhard (Donnerstag, 07. Januar 2016 23:27)

    Heute ist wieder ein Tag des Gedenkens an dich,lieber Lhadi. Einfach nur traurig,dass du nicht mehr bei uns sein kannst. Wir denken viel an dich. Anke,Ralf und Kinder

  • Julia (Freitag, 08. Januar 2016 00:06)

    Mon cher Lhadi: Joyeux anniversaire! Il fait trop longtemps que tu nous a quitté. La famille pense à toi souvent et tu nous manques! La nouvelle année a commencé et j'aurais envie de te raconter de
    tous mes plans er rêves pour 2016!! Je pars aux Etats-Unis demain pour la première fois dans ma vie et ca me fait penser à toi! Tu serais fier. Merci pour tout ce que t'as fait pour moi. J'espère que
    tu vas bien au-dessus des nuages! Des gros bisous de toute la famille, jtbrs Julia

  • 3sv (Samstag, 09. Januar 2016 14:03)

    Dear Lhadi
    Also from me Some virtual 'happy birthday' wishes... Even after these years not yet forgotten. Miss you a lot!

  • 3sv (Sonntag, 14. Februar 2016 18:54)

    Many years ago, you gave me a little bear with a big red heart on Valentine's Day. I was joking about it, as you were'nt the most romantic person normally... Now it's remembering me to the great time
    'together but mostly physically apart' we had al these years. But nearly daily phone calls for years more than compensated that, and made it even more intense. You have been a driving force in my
    life, a passionate friend, the funny boyish man that made me laugh!
    On this Valentine's Day, some sweet and tender kisses to the boy that met uncle Murphy once too much... Xxx

  • 3sv (Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016 22:44)

    Now 3 yrs ago, you stopped your fight against the cancer, and took a flight to the imaginary world of those who loved you. There, only is best Lhadi is present forever in our minds and memories.

  • mi (Dienstag, 23. Februar 2016 18:48)

    Tes amis ne t'oublient pas.
    Mes souvenirs, si forts, m'accompagnent tout au long de ma route que désormais je poursuivrai en silence.

  • 3sv (Samstag, 07. Januar 2017 10:28)

    Dear Lhadi, today you would have celebrated your 56th birthday... however in our memories you will always remain the young boyish man. Only we are getting older. Happy birthday !!

  • Anke Lenhard (Sonntag, 08. Januar 2017 10:16)

    Wieder ist ein Jahr vergangen, indem wir dich vermisst haben. Mit unseren Freunden haben wir heute auf dich angestoßen und an die vielen schönen Momente gedacht, die wir mit dir verbringen durften. Happy Birthday. Anke und Ralf

  • 3sv (Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2017 18:33)

    Dear Lhadi, you left us 4yrs ago... a painful moment at the time. I was convinced that memories would gradually fade away over time... However, that was a significant underestimation of the place you occupied in my heart... There have not been many days passed by, without thoughts went to you, the boyish man you were. I'm afraid I'll never be able to forget you anymore...

  • 3sv (Sonntag, 07. Januar 2018 15:54)

    Happy Birthday sweet boy ... still in my memories ... forever!

  • Patricia und Jürgen (Sonntag, 07. Januar 2018 21:07)

    Dear Lhadi,
    ein Jahr ist wieder vergangen. Immer noch bist du uns in Erinnerung - die Zeit mit dir vermissen wir immer noch.

  • Tim (Montag, 04. Juni 2018 15:19)

    Dear Lhadi,
    as in inspiration for my personal career you acted 8 years ago, when you invited me to come to San Francisco to join your MRS Symposium and present my work. In these times my personal way was not clear for myself. I still remember your encouraging words and also some great phone calls, that guided me to stay.
    Today, I have to say thank you for your wisdom words and advices. Once more, I have the honor to present news of nanotechnology in Boston this year, where we met in 2012 for the last time. Your way of personal fighting inspired me to continue my mission in nanotechnology. Thanks for that....

  • 3sv (Montag, 07. Januar 2019 22:13)

    Happy Birthday dear Lhadi! January 7th will remain forever your day...

  • Patricia und Jürgen Utzig (Dienstag, 08. Januar 2019 11:14)

    Lieber Lhadi,
    wieder ist ein Jahr vergangen. In Gedanken sind wir immer noch zusammen - wir vergessen Dich nicht und werden immer an die schöne Zeit denken!

  • 3sV (Donnerstag, 07. Januar 2021 23:13)

    Januari 7th will be forever a special day for me, but this year is even more special: you would have become a 60yrs old boy😁! Virtual congrats to wherever your soul is resting now! Miss you...

  • Tim (Freitag, 01. Dezember 2023 04:39)

    Dear Lhadi, time is running.
    I am visiting the MRS Fall 2023 meeting again.
    I am here for my 12th meeting and, yes, I am doing still nanotechnology.
    Every time when I am joining the meeting, I take a few minutes to remember you and your greatful inspiration.
    Thank you

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